Map Courtesy of Karl Musser, author, published on Wikipedia
Mountains capped with Red Spruce and Hardwood Forests. Streams and Rivers, numbering over 100,000, that flow into wetlands teeming with life. Transitioning into tidal marshes that merge into the largest estuary in the United States. And within its boundaries lies Washington D.C.?
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed is a remarkable ecosystem. Contrary to popular thought there are still wild lands that remain in the area. Over 17 million inhabitants reside in the watershed . Yet, within those same boundaries are over 2,700 species of plant and animal life. Recreation abounds here with diverse activities such as rock climbing, kayaking, sailing, and fishing. Yet the Bay, while improving, struggles to remain healthy in the spur of regional development.
The neighboring Coastal Bays Watershed, most famous for the wild horses of Assateague Island, is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the region. Unlike many seashore communities along the Atlantic Coast, the Coastal Bays Watershed provides natural protective shelter for wildlife and human alike. However with the threats of sea level rise, storm surges, pollution, and the ever increasing surge of human development, this watershed is also not as healthy as it should be.
Only through people can we ultimately restore and protect this treasure.
Let's do this.